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Mite Allergy

The house dust beetle found in house dust is called mite. Mites are the most common cause of allergies after pollen among respiratory allergens. mites; They are transparent, thin, spider-like, invisible insects, about 3 microns in size. They can be detected with the aid of a microscope.Two important mite species important for allergiesDermatophagoides pteronysinus (d1)Dermatophagoides farinae (d2)They use human skin and debris as their main source of nutrition. They need a temperature of about 30 -34°C and a humidity of 60-80% to survive. Therefore; They are mostly found in woolen and cotton goods, carpets, beds, pillows, sofas, furry clothes and toys. There are 2000-15000 mites in 1 g of house dust taken from these regions. The main substance that causes allergies is the excrement of mites. Since these are the size of flower pollen, they can fly easily and cause allergic reactions in the person who breathes this air. A mite can produce about 200 times its own weight in feces during its 2-4 months of life. Complaints in allergy due to mites are nasal congestion, runny nose, shortness of breath (asthma), and rarely itching-redness of the eye, which starts after waking up from sleep.Advice on protection from house dust allergenMattress, pillow, quilt etc. items must not be cotton, wool or down. Fiber ones should be preferred.There should be no carpeting, especially on the bedroom floor, and other carpets should be used as little as possible.Bed linen should be changed every 4-5 days and washed above 60 °C.Curtains should be made of easily washable fabrics.There should be no bookcase in the bedroom, which can be a source of house dust.Rooms should be sunbathed and ventilated frequently.Instead of upholstered furniture, leather, wooden or vinyl furniture should be used as much as possible.It should be cleaned at least once a week with vacuum cleaners with a special HEPA filter.