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Mold Allergy

Mold is usually caused by fungi found in expired food products and in places that come into contact with water. Although the appearance of these mushrooms is similar, they actually have different characteristics. Molds that will form due to the rotting of fabrics or other items on damp surfaces and molds found on food products and basement walls have different characteristics.Allergens in the form of mold spores or spore chains enter our body mainly through our respiratory tract through moldy food and by direct skin contact. Mold allergens can trigger the following symptoms:Nose: Sneezing, sneezing, rhinitis (swelling of the nasal membranes, nasal congestion and difficulty breathing) Eyes (less often): Itching, redness, watering, swelling (conjunctivitis) Respiratory System: Cough, difficulty breathing with phlegm (bronchitis), acute respiratory distress, asthma (often) Skin: Itching and irritation (eczema urticaria neurodermatitis) Digestive System (often): Gas, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal painHead (less often): MigraineMold spores act as "internal" and "external allergens". Mold is especially common in damp, hot, poorly ventilated, damp cellars and basements, bathrooms, cold and damp exterior walls, wallpaper, behind cabinets, behind picture frames, carpets, humidifiers, air-conditioning systems, flower pots, irrigated plant soils, coolers and so on. occurs in places such as It also occurs on foodstuffs (fruits, vegetables, bread, cheese, etc.). Mold enzymes are also used in the food processing industry.Mold spores can often reach very distant places in the open air together with spores. It can be used in grass, compost manure, leaves, animal manure, grains, etc. is found. If you can regularly record your symptoms and possible sources of mold3, your doctor can gain insight into mold allergy. As a result of the blood, skin and provocation tests to be performed on this, it will be confirmed whether you have mold allergy or not.