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What is Allergy?

What is Allergy?
The immune system has various reactions to protect the body against harmful substances. Thanks to these reactions, various microbes are completely eliminated or prevented from entering the body. Normally, there is a physiological and functional balance in the bodies of healthy people, but this balance is impaired in the body of people with allergies. We can also describe it as a reaction to allergens.
What are the allergy symptoms?
Although allergy symptoms differ from person to person, it is useful to see a doctor if we have a few of them.Some of the allergy symptoms are: Cough - Itching - Wheezing - Fever - Shortness of breath - Swelling in certain parts of the bodyTypes of Allergies, such as food allergies, seasonal allergies, animal allergies, dust and pollen allergies, sun allergies, mold allergies, etc.
What is a food allergy?
Food allergy is a person's sensitivity to any food. Food allergies are mostly seen in a certain amount in everyone. However, since food allergies are very mild in some people, the person may not realize that they are allergic to any food. In some people, it can be quite critical and lead to life risk.
What is Animal Allergy?
Animal allergy is an allergic reaction to animals and animal hair. Animal allergies can be seen more frequently in people with asthma. Their bodies may have sores or hives due to these reactions.
What is Mold Allergy?
Mold is dangerous and harmful to everyone. However, people with mold allergies can affect even a small amount of mold and may show symptoms such as suffocation and coughing.
What Are Seasonal Allergies?
There are allergic reactions seen in some people in certain seasons, these are winter allergies and spring allergies.